blog about demigod & supreme commander forged alliance
Published on October 3, 2008 By Ze_PilOt In Demigod Beta Feedback

first game 3 bugs :


  1. Units get stuck. In the ground maybe. They start to swing crazily until I hit them. It happens near the same tower as the following bug
  2. Unable to attack one of the archer tower in the new map. When playing "good", it's the first one on the right side of the corridor.
  3. Unable to enter shops (consumable & others. First try only helmet was availabe, after respawn consumables was available). Dont know if it's because I dont have the money to buy anything from it or if it's a real bug. In both cases, it's a strange behaviour.

on Oct 03, 2008

Another bug. I was playing with Unclean Beast and the Rook against no AI Demigods to get used to map. A few of the units of the Forces of the Dark (I was light) would just walk right past the battle and walk into my towers. This continued ALL GAME long. and begame quite annoying because i had to chace them back to get the XP.